Pasture Fed
Find out why our cattle are 100% pasture fed
What does pasture fed mean?
It means that our cattle are never fed concentrate feed such as wheat, barley, soya, etc.
The whole herd spend the summer grazing rough moor grass on the hill and are fed only hay or silage during winter months.
For our cattle and traditional hill farming system, it makes sense to choose a 100% pasture-fed diet.
We believe that our cattle are relaxed and contented on the hill in their natural environment with the ability to roam freely and that raising our cattle on food they have evolved to eat makes sense.
Genetically the Beltie suits this approach as it requires no supplementary feed to finish. They are perfect for a slow-grown, un-rushed system and their superlative meat reflects the time and care taken to produce the highest quality beef. All our cattle are finished to 40 months plus and are all born on the farm.
Happy, healthy cattle produce wonderfully tasty beef!

Pasture raised meat is higher in Omega-3s. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that we need to obtain from our food as the body cannot make it. This polyunsaturated fat is anti-inflammatory and is thought to have many health benefits. It is especially important for brain health and Omega-3 supplementation could be beneficial for those with Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. The Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio is important as an excess of Omega-6 (from sources such as vegetable oils) can conversely cause inflammation. The longer cattle are fed grain, the more the Omega-3 is reduced.
Pasture raised meat is higher in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). This fatty acid is found in the meat and dairy products of ruminant animals and is thought to be protective against heart disease and general inflammation.
Pasture raised meat is higher in Vitamin E. Levels are 3 times higher in pasture raised animals than in grain fed animals.
Pasture raised meat is higher in B Vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
The digestive process of ruminants produces manure which increases soil health and biodiversity. Healthy soils result in healthy plants, healthy animals that eat those plants and healthier humans that eat those animals. When we raise and grow our food, soil health is critical and poor soil quality has detrimental effects on a wide variety of flora and fauna. Ruminants fit into this natural system perfectly and grazing animals make the most efficient use of large areas of grasslands unsuitable for growing crops.
Responsibly managed livestock has been shown to improve soil health and conversely, removing grazing animals from the ecosystem has resulted in problems for the environment.
We take a holistic viewpoint on the way we raise our cattle. They form an essential link in the environmental wellbeing of the landscape. Our cattle are housed during the wet winter months to protect the ground from poaching.

In the Spotlight
Press & Recognition
We appeared on BBC’s Countryfile programme in 2017, which featured 100% pasture fed meat and the benefits for both the consumer and the environment. Our beef – along with that of several other producers – was put to a taste test with outstanding results!
The programme was a great opportunity for us to showcase Bryn Belted Galloway Beef.